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Last Updated on December 23, 2023

In the financial landscape, a perfect storm of economic malaise, often referred to as stagflation, poses one of the greatest challenges for investors.

Characterized by sluggish economic growth, high unemployment, and runaway inflation, stagflation can be a trying time for any investment portfolio. Given these unsettling market conditions, investors are constantly in search of the safest assets to preserve their wealth.

This article provides an in-depth analysis of five top assets that have shown resilience during stagflation and could serve as strongholds in your investment strategy.

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What is Stagflation?

Before delving into the top asset classes during stagflation, it’s important to understand what stagflation itself means. Stagflation is a unique economic situation characterized by three main factors: slow (or negative) economic growth, high unemployment, and rising inflation.

It presents a particularly tricky challenge for policymakers. The typical tools to combat inflation (raising interest rates and reducing the money supply) can exacerbate economic slowdown and unemployment, while measures to stimulate economic growth (lowering interest rates and increasing the money supply) can fuel inflation.

The term “stagflation” was coined in the 1960s and became widely used during the 1970s, a decade marked by severe stagflation in many Western economies. During this period, traditional Keynesian economic policies seemed powerless to resolve the situation, and new economic approaches were needed.

Stagflation can erode purchasing power as prices rise (inflation) while salaries and employment opportunities remain stagnant or even decrease. Therefore, it’s critical for investors to consider assets that not only retain value but have the potential to grow during these tough economic periods. This understanding of stagflation underscores the importance of the asset strategies explored in this article.

Does Gold Perform Well During Periods of Stagflation?

a huge pile of gold bars

Gold’s reputation as a reliable store of value in times of economic turmoil has held steadfast throughout history. This precious metal is often viewed as a ‘safe haven’ during times of economic uncertainty, including periods of stagflation. But why is this the case?

Stagflation presents a unique economic challenge – it pairs the slow economic growth and high unemployment characteristic of a recession, with the rising inflation characteristic of an economic boom. Traditional fiscal and monetary policies often fail to address these simultaneous problems effectively, leading to increased economic instability and uncertainty.

In such conditions, gold tends to shine for several reasons. First, as a physical, finite resource, gold carries an intrinsic value that doesn’t degrade over time, unlike paper currencies which can devalue during inflationary periods. This makes gold an effective hedge against inflation – as the cost of goods and services rise, so typically does the price of gold.

Second, in times of economic stagnation or recession, when returns on other investments may be falling or highly volatile, gold’s historical price stability can make it an attractive alternative. Investors often flock to gold as a safer investment, and this increased demand can drive up gold’s price.

Moreover, gold performs independently of traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. This means that even when these markets are performing poorly during stagflation, gold may still hold or even increase its value. This characteristic makes gold a valuable tool for diversification, providing a buffer against the risks posed by other investments.

Historically, gold has demonstrated its strength as an investment during stagflation. The most notable instance was during the 1970s, a decade marked by severe and persistent stagflation in many Western economies. During this period, as stock markets struggled, gold prices soared. From 1970 to 1980, the price of gold increased from $35 per ounce to over $850 per ounce. This dramatic rise underscored gold’s ability to protect investor wealth and even provide significant returns during stagflation.

However, it’s important to note that while gold has historically performed well during stagflation, past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The price of gold can and does fluctuate due to a variety of factors, including changes in supply and demand, market sentiment, geopolitical events, and changes in the value of the U.S. dollar. Therefore, while gold can be an effective tool in an investment strategy designed to weather stagflation, it should not be the sole focus of such a strategy. Diversification across multiple asset classes remains a key principle of prudent investing.

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Top Assets to Consider During Stagflation

1. Gold and Other Precious Metals


  • Provide a hedge against inflation
  • Maintain purchasing power over time
  • Perform independently of traditional asset classes
  • Historically hold their value during periods of economic uncertainty

Gold and other precious metals, such as silver and platinum, are often regarded as safe havens in times of economic instability. Precious metals, being finite resources, possess inherent value.

This makes them resistant to the devaluation that paper currencies can face during stagflation. During the stagflation period of the 1970s, for instance, the price of gold increased significantly as investors flocked to it as a safeguard against rising prices and economic stagnation.

2. Bitcoin


  • Limited supply creates a scarcity value
  • Decentralized and not directly impacted by government monetary policies
  • Potential for substantial returns

Bitcoin, although a relatively new asset, has shown promise as a potential hedge during economic uncertainty. Its built-in scarcity (with a cap of 21 million bitcoins) parallels the supply limits of precious metals, which can drive up value in times of high inflation.

Additionally, being decentralized, it’s immune to direct interference from government monetary policies. However, it’s crucial to understand that bitcoin is a highly volatile asset and may not be suitable for risk-averse investors.

3. Commodities


  • Physical assets with intrinsic value
  • Typically rise in value with inflation
  • Can provide diversification

Commodities like oil, natural gas, and agricultural goods have intrinsic value, much like precious metals. As inflation increases, the prices of these goods tend to rise, making commodities an attractive investment during stagflation.

The energy crisis during the 1970s stagflation period saw a boom in oil prices, highlighting the potential for commodity investments during such times.

4. Value Stocks


  • Companies with stable revenues and strong fundamentals
  • Typically pay dividends
  • Lower volatility compared to growth stocks

Value stocks represent shares in companies that are considered undervalued compared to their intrinsic value. These companies often have stable revenues, robust balance sheets, and pay regular dividends, features that can provide relative stability during stagflation.

Historically, certain sectors like utilities, healthcare, and consumer staples have shown resilience during such economic periods.

5. Real Estate


  • Tangible asset with intrinsic value
  • Can generate income through rents
  • Potential for appreciation over time

Real estate can also be a good investment during stagflation. Similar to other tangible assets, property values often rise with inflation, preserving investor wealth. Additionally, rental properties can provide a steady income stream, even during periods of economic stagnation.

What Performed Best During the Stagflation of the 1970s?

The 1970s were a period of prolonged stagflation in the United States and other Western economies, characterized by stagnant economic growth, high unemployment, and rapidly rising inflation. This decade serves as a useful historical case study to understand which assets perform well during stagflation.

During this period, traditional investments like stocks and bonds fared poorly. The stock market was incredibly volatile and delivered below-average returns, while rising inflation eroded the value of bond yields.

  • Gold: The star performer of this period was undoubtedly gold. Starting the decade at $35 per ounce, gold prices skyrocketed to over $850 per ounce by 1980. This was due to a combination of high inflation, economic uncertainty, and increased investor demand for safe-haven assets. Gold’s performance during the 1970s underlines its potential as a hedge against stagflation.
  • Commodities: Commodities, particularly energy-related ones like oil and natural gas, also performed exceedingly well. The 1973 oil embargo led to a quadrupling of oil prices in just a few months, highlighting the inflation-hedging properties of commodities. This period, often referred to as the ‘commodity supercycle’, saw significant price increases in a range of commodities from grains to metals.
  • Real Estate: Real estate also fared relatively well during the stagflation of the 1970s, especially in the latter half of the decade. While real estate doesn’t provide an absolute hedge against inflation (as rent increases often lag behind inflation), rising prices can push up the value of properties over time, providing capital gains. Moreover, rental income can provide a steady cash flow, even in a stagnating economy.

In summary, the 1970s stagflation period highlights the potential of tangible and finite assets like gold, commodities, and real estate to not only preserve wealth but also offer significant growth opportunities during such economic conditions.

Factors to Consider About Which Investments May Work Best for You During Stagflation

Deciding on the best investments during stagflation requires careful thought and consideration of several personal and market factors. Here are some key aspects to keep in mind:

  • Risk Tolerance: Your personal risk tolerance is crucial when determining the best investment strategy. While certain assets like Bitcoin may offer high return potential during stagflation, they also come with heightened volatility and risk. If you are more risk-averse, it may be more appropriate to focus on assets with lower volatility, like precious metals or value stocks.
  • Investment Horizon: The length of your investment horizon can significantly influence your choice of assets. If you’re a long-term investor, you may be better equipped to ride out market fluctuations that short-term investors cannot afford to endure. In this case, real estate, gold, or even riskier assets like Bitcoin could be considered.
  • Diversification: No single asset class consistently outperforms others under all economic conditions, and stagflation is no exception. Therefore, diversifying your portfolio across various assets (gold, Bitcoin, commodities, value stocks, real estate) can potentially reduce risk and enhance returns over time.
  • Income Needs: If you rely on your investments for regular income, this can also influence your choice of assets. Value stocks that pay consistent dividends, or real estate that generates rental income, may be particularly appealing in this regard.
  • Market Outlook: While historical performance can provide insights, the future performance of asset classes can be influenced by many unpredictable factors. Therefore, keeping a pulse on the current market outlook, as well as geopolitical and macroeconomic trends, can help in making informed investment decisions.
  • Inflation Expectations: If you believe that high inflation is here to stay, it may be beneficial to tilt your portfolio towards assets that have traditionally served as good inflation hedges, such as gold, other precious metals, and commodities.
  • Professional Advice: While the information provided here is a good starting point, it’s important to remember that every individual’s financial situation is unique. It’s recommended to consult with a financial advisor to understand how these factors apply to your personal circumstances and to construct an investment strategy that is best suited to your needs.

Stagflation can present a challenging economic environment, but by considering these factors, you can tailor your investment strategy to navigate through such periods and protect your wealth effectively.

Final Thoughts

Stagflation can be a challenging economic environment for investors. However, by understanding the historical performance of various asset classes during such periods and aligning investment decisions with individual risk tolerance and goals, it’s possible to navigate through stagflation effectively. Diversification, with a mix of precious metals, Bitcoin, commodities, value stocks, and real estate, can serve as a robust strategy, providing both capital preservation and potential growth opportunities.

While the future is never guaranteed, history can often provide us valuable lessons. And one of the key takeaways from past periods of stagflation is the resilience of tangible and finite assets. Thus, considering these assets as part of a diversified portfolio may help investors weather the storm of stagflation, protecting their wealth in an uncertain economic landscape.

Keep in mind, investment decisions should be made in consultation with a financial advisor who understands your individual financial situation and goals. The choice of assets ultimately depends on personal circumstances, financial objectives, risk tolerance, and market outlook.

By understanding and implementing these strategies, investors can turn the challenges of stagflation into opportunities, forging a path of financial stability amidst the storm.

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